The Grange County Chardonnay is the Right Kind of White
This post is going to be one part a review of The Grange County Chardonnay and one part a love letter to The Grange as a wine producer, among my favourites in Prince Edward County. Christine and I make a habit of visiting PEC wineries,…
Bruichladdich Classic Laddie is a Bit of a Mixed-Bag Scotch
My aunt Paulette, ever the generous patron of Sublime Imbibing and Scotch enthusiast sent me on a delightful mission — pick up a Scotch I hadn’t tried for us to taste at a family reunion, and she’d pay for it. With the budget set at…
Toronto’s Best Lager(s): Godspeed’s Sklepnik vs. Burdock’s Deluxe
What began as a quest to pit West-end lagers against each other (like I did when I looked for West Toronto’s best IPA) sprawled into a city-wide search for a lager that could even come close to Burdock’s Deluxe. It crushed anything I tasted it…
Sky-high Drinking and Dining: Air Canada Business Class Review
Alas, this post was meant to be a head to head, a la my ANA vs. JAL business class review. We were originally flying (by means of points) Air Canada business class to our three month France stay, and British Airways home. But due to…
Louis Roederer Collection Champagne is Keeping French Bubbly Fresh
Just a heads up — I’m gonna meander through topics ranging from scotch to climate change in the intro of this review. Click here to skip directly to my Louis Roederer Collection review (I hate those life-story recipe blogs). Champagne is following in the steps…
Laphroaig 10 is (Much) Easier to Drink Than Pronounce
Well I suppose we should touch on that pronunciation before we dive in — it’s “La Froyg” (or at least that seems to be the consensus amongst non Gaelic-speakers). It’s also “The most richly flavoured of all Scotch whiskies” — or so boasts the slogan…
French Beer Culture and the (Current) Craft Craze
“C’est dimanche!” At least, I’m pretty sure that’s what he said. As I was was ambling along Sunday morning, about 10am, I saw a group of guys enjoying une bier (ou trois), their empty café cups as of yet uncleared. I smiled to myself at…
Moët & Chandon Brut Imperial is My Kind of Champagne
I love Champagne so damn much. That’s not to throw shade at often-superb bubblies like Prosecco and Cava, but I truly believe there’s a reason Champagne costs as much as it does. And if you’ve ever felt that deep craving that only French effervescence can…
Nikka Whisky Miyagikyo Single Malt is as Robust as it is Refined
If my two trips to Japan have taught me anything, it’s that minimalistic refinement is easy to come by there. Simple fish and rice combine to make luxuriant sushi. Michelin star restaurants simply festooned with light wood. Light and pleasent muzak playing on the public…
José Zuccardi Malbec is a Malbec for Malbec-Heads
An archetype means “a very typical example of a certain person or thing.” In the case of the José Zuccardi Malbec, 2019 I think it’s safe to call it a hyper-archetypical Malbec — in that it provides all the fun fruity flavours you’ve come to…