Ice Cold Beer — What More Needs to be Said?
Ice! Cold! Beeeeeeeer! Long time Jays fans will fondly remember these words being bellowed out by The Beer Guy (Wayne McMahon) at the Skydome up until 2008, signaling to them that a frothy pint of remarkably flavourless and REMARKABLY expensive beer was nearby. But the…
9 Biggest Bourbon Myths and Misunderstandings Heard Nowadays
Is bourbon whiskey really gaining popularity over the last few years? Bourbon whiskey’s popularity has soared in recent years worldwide, and we have no clue about it! The business has immensely grown in various parts of the world despite the pandemic going on. While we…
Knob Creek Single Barrel Reserve Is More of the Knob You Love
My love of Knob Creek 9 is deep. It’s a high(er) proof bourbon, with an age statement, at an affordable price. All that and it tastes great — what’s not to love? Well if your main problem with Knob Creek 9 was that at 50%…
Cave Spring Pinot Gris is a More than an Alright White
Quietly, without a great deal of fanfare, inexpensive Ontario wines have been getting really quite good. The majority of them are still only available from the vineyards directly (which is why I make routine pilgrimages to Prince Edward County) but more than a few are…
Octopus Wants to Fight IPA: An Overdue Ode to the Octopus
Sometimes it occurs to me that there’s been a drink I’ve been recommending for years, consume regularly, am always thrilled to find on a menu (you remember, when you could order things in bars) but haven’t officially sung its praises on Sublime Imbibing. Octopus Wants to Fight…
Aberlour A’Bunadh is a Superb, Strong Scotch
I’ve got a new gimmick — collecting cask-strength (barrel proof, if you will) whiskies from around the world. I want to keep at least an outstanding Rye, Bourbon, Scotch and Japanese (which I tapped Nikka Whisky from the Barrel for) on hands at all times…
Taittinger is a Tasty, Entry-Level Champagne
When I picked Taittinger (pronounced “Tay-ton-zshay”) to be my New Year’s Eve champagne, it was for simple reasons — it cost under $70, was on sale, and wasn’t Veuve Clicquot, a bubbly I have mixed feelings about. While a non-vintage champagne (not a bad thing…
Stellar Void Stout: A Great Way to Say Hello to Halo Brewery
I just moved to a new neighbourhood in the Junction Triangle area of Toronto. There’s lots of perks — more room in the house, great view of a highly aesthetic water tower, and one of my favourite breweries in the city (Halo) is two minutes…
Hibiki Harmony and a Story of Heroic Hospitality
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again — the best part of writing about alcohol is how eager people seem to be to share it with you. This is especially true when they’re sharing a whisky as good as Suntory’s Hibiki Harmony. This summer (after months…
Head to Head: Great Lakes Brewery Pumpkin Ale vs. St. Ambroise Pumpkin Ale
Writing about pumpkin ale is always a little intimidating. They’re not held in high esteem by the snobbish, and often considered a seasonal gimmick, with little actual merit. But I’ve gone out on a limb before and I’m going to do so again — I like…