Crown Royal Northern Harvest Rye: World’s Best Whiskey?
Let me give you a quick summary of the questions I know you have about Crown Royal Northern Harvest Rye: Yes, I actually found a bottle for myself, and no — it’s not the world’s best whiskey. But you know what? It is pretty damn good, and worth…
Pol Roger Brut Champagne: A New Treat for a New Year
Every New Year’s Eve I treat myself to a new Champagne (as good an excuse as any to spend far too much on a bottle of booze), and give it a review. This year, based on numerous recommendations, I opted for Pol Roger Reserve Brut…
A Tale Of Two Cities: Holiday Beer Exchange
Being a craft beer enthusiast can be really fun, but it can also be a tad frustrating at times. I only say this because there are so many beers out there that are only available regionally. Hell, regionally is being way too generous, because many…
Maker’s Mark Misses My Mark
Enter any frat house in North America, and behind the decaying furniture and overturned beer cans, you’ll almost certainly see the red-waxed necks of Maker’s Mark bottles strewn about. Its appeal to fraternity drinkers is threefold: It’s readily accessible at all liquor stores, it’s iconic (and thus…
Old Flame Brewing Rocks Their Red
I was contacted by an Old Flame Brewing Co. rep (who goes by “Big Red”) offering me a sample of beer to review. Naturally, I accepted. But when I was offered a choice between their ‘Blonde’, ‘Brunette’, and ‘Red’, I opted against my natural inclination…
What’s a ‘Wine’? V: When to Send Back a Bottle
When you order a bottle of wine at a restaurant, the accompanying ceremony can seem a bit silly and unnecessary. You are presented with a small sample to swirl, smell, sip, and – inevitably – affirm as, “Excellent, thank you.” What’s the point? I mean,…
Muskoka’s Winterweiss Will Warm You Up
There was a time in my life I thought Weiss beers were for spring and summer. While essentially untrue, there is some foundation for this belief. Many Weiss beers are light, fruity and easy drinking, making them a natural partner of sun-warmed docks everywhere….
A Dram of The Dalmore 15
I’m never one to refuse scotch, especially when that scotch is promised to be a 15 year old single malt. So when my Aunt opted to bring me a sample of her recently-purchased The Dalmore 15, I enthusiastically accepted (thanks again Paulette!) This Highland scotch…
Mulderbosch Faithful Hound: A Love Story
Some wines you drink because they taste amazing. Some wines you drink for the nostalgia value – there’s a special memory or association attached to it. And sometimes, there’s that magic combination of both, something I’m pleased to have found in the wonderful Mulderbosch…
Why Mill Street’s Sale is Bad for Craft Beer
Last Friday, Toronto brewery and craft beer icon Mill Street was bought by Labatt brewery. In a series of meek tweets, Mill Street scrambled to build a case for the sale, claiming it was “a partnership which will help [them] grow.” While the general consensus among…